Americans cannot
afford their medication

Medication waste is
estimated to cost up to


every year


prescriptions in the US
could be recycled per year

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The pharmaceutical industry needs effective and ethical leadership.


A shepherd guides, protects and attends to a flock and their needs. Shepherds are devoted to the well-being of others. At Good Shepherd Health Institute, we’re committed to building a better pharmaceutical industry, one that puts patients first.

We look forward to the day when all patients can access the medications they need, regardless of cost; when unused prescription drugs are shared as a resource, not thrown away as waste; and when patients – not corporations – have the power to choose their pharmacy.

Through insightful journalism, empowering pharmacists and helping patients become advocates, join us as we pursue a patients-first pharmacy future.

This Month’s Feature:

Sample Post 2

Pharmacy has changed dramatically. Although it’s (unfortunately) a volume business, pharmacies often struggle with having enough staff to safely care for their patients. In this survey, we hope to gauge what staffing challenges exist in U.S. pharmacies, as well as how to help address them.

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